The WSF Accreditation scheme is a means by which the WSF exercises control over the development of court components and materials to ensure that the needs of the sport are served in the best possible way.
WSF Court Registration is offered where all the main components of the court are WSF Accredited and so the court can be assured to be of championship standard. Only courts completed after 1st January 2013 which are WSF Registered will be considered as championship quality and thus eligible for hosting WSF World and Regional Championships and other designated events. (This specification is not applicable for courts in existence before 2013, where normal adherence to WSF specifications will apply).
Club / Centre name
the email address is not shown in the search results and is only used to contact you
contact email
address 1
address 2
post/zip code
installation company
tin type
lighting type
floor type
wall types
* optional
completion date
number of courts
* Where there are two different wall types
for the court please use the second list too.
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